Let me help you create an estate plan that works for you. Here are three questionnaires to help you get started. Use the worksheet that reflects your marital status. You can fill these in online. If you don’t know the answer to a question, leave it blank and we can discuss it later.
NEW: Also included is a diagram of a trust-based plan for married couples and for individuals.
The Quick View Summary is the short version, and anyone can use it. Print it out and fill in the blanks.
Nevada Power of Attorney Forms
Nevada has developed its own power of attorney forms. These forms are called “statutory” forms and can be found in NRS 162A.
A Financial Power of Attorney and a Health Care Power of Attorney should be included in all estate plans. You should get legal advice before you sign these documents. Click on the links to download these important forms:
Want more information about a Power of Attorney? Click on this link for a brochure prepared through the Nevada State Bar: